My friend, Robyn, tagged me. So here it goes:
1. I like going to the dentist to get my teeth clean. I feel sqeaky clean afterwards and love it!
2. In the last five years, we lived in three different neighborhoods, all off the same street, and within a mile of each other...Port Haven, Brandon's Way, & now Tuscany. (We love the area and the neighbors we've met along the way!)
3. I have passed over twenty kidney stones in my life. It still hurts just thinking about it.
4. Josh and I went to the same school since 6th grade but didn't start dating until the end my senior year of high school.
5. I had food poisening from eating a soft taco eight years ago and haven't eaten one since.
6. My kids and I were born at the same hospital in Fayetteville (WRMC), just two different locations.
7. I've only missed two of my husbands High School football games that he has coached in for the past five seasons. (One, I had just given birth to Peyton and the other because Parker and I were both sick. And yes, I really do love going every week and hate to miss out on the fun.)
Now I tag:
Courtney, Blaire, Meredith, Alicia, Melissa C., Melissa S., & Jill
Happy Blogging Everyone! ;)