Here is just a little bit of what the Floyd crew has been up to...
Lots of Shiloh games to cheer on our Daddy and the Saints. Parker with his buddy Jackson.
Jack has started enjoying his this. (He was giggling so hard his paci fell out. I love his baby giggle!)

Boss Hog doing a headstand!
Us with our good friends Jimmy and Laci.
Josh's Dad has been the pastor of CrossChurch for 24 years! Here are the boys and cousin Reese before they presented flowers to Gigi and Poppy on stage during the church service.
The boys are excited about their Halloween costumes this year. They both want to be Spiderman. Parker has been wearing his costume almost everyday for the past three of weeks at home (and one night at Mellow Mushroom because I was too tired to put up a fight about it at the time). And Peyton has had his hanging up in the laundry room since the day we bought it because he doesn't want his to get dirty. Ha. They are such opposites in personalities!