Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Update on boys
Not sure how I have mangaged to post on the blog 3 times this week but I have. Peyton spent the night out so I have some extra time this morning before I go to my Mom's to pick him up. Here's Peyton on the way home from Little Rock on Monday. We went to watch the Shiloh girls soccer game. He wanted to be like Mamma and put his head on his pillow in car. It doesn't look very comfortable however, he enjoyed it. Notice his nose. You might think he fell of his new swing set in the backyard but he didn't. He was running in a parking lot and did a face plant Friday night. Ouch. There's a knot on his forehead but his hair covers it up pretty good.
It was so pretty outside yesterday. The boys enjoyed playing on this for a very long time.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday we met some friends for Razorfest. We tailgated before the Red/White game and had so much good food including smoked ribs, thanks to Tucker. Anyway, here are some pictures from the day. We took Peyton with us but let Parker stay home with his Gigi.
McKale and Blaire and baby boy Eli in her tummy. I love these girls so much. We all share the common bond of being married to football coaches. :)
Josh and some of the Shiloh football coaches. I am so thankful everyday he gets to work with some of his best friends.
Peyton excited about eating a cupcake. His buddy, Carter, is in the background who is more interested into the spiderman football. Peyton will stop playing anytime food is brought out, especially sweets.
My Dad took Peyton up to his box for little bit to watch the game. He loved being in the "sky."

Cousin Reese!

Monday, April 21, 2008
Saturday we took the kid's to Tulsa. Peyton thought it was the best day of his life because he got to go to the zoo and a football scrimmage. When we got to Tulsa we went and ate at Ted's Mexican restaurant. Josh had eaten there before but kept telling me how good it was. If you know Josh, you know he LOVES mexican food. So I wasn't sure if this was going to be good or not. But I have to say it was great. I loved the flour tortillas. If you are ever in Tulsa, try Ted's! Especially if you love mexican food. You'll be in for a treat. Josh and I split the chicken fajitas and they were wonderful. Next we went to the Zoo. I don't think we will go back there on a Saturday again. It was packed! But both boys did so good and loved being outside on such a pretty day. Peyton's favorite animal he said was the bear. Then we went to the University of Tulsa football scrimmage. Josh's high school football coach is over there now. So Josh went to watch him while I sat and talked to Kristi, his wife. We always have good converstations about our crazy lives being married to coaches. We didn't stay for the whole game because the boys were so tired by this point. We did manage to stop by Cheesecake Factory on our way out of town. It was wonderful as usual. Here's some pictures from our day.
Eating at Ted's. Peyton was making a big mess with the cheese dip so Josh taught him how to use his napkin as a bib.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Random pictures
Not much has been going on at the Floyd house this week which has kinda been nice. Last week was so busy. I think we had something every night so it's been nice to just stay at home the last few days. However, I did manage to take a few pictures of the kids.
Peyton loves his "night-night" (aka: blanket). But Josh and I can't stand it! He's been doing better without it if I hide it in the laundry room during the day. I think it's time to cut part of it off again to make it smaller.
I'm taking Parker to get his pictures made this afternoon so I tried on his outfit to make sure it still fits. He's been growing so fast I just had to double check. Last week when he was at the doctor he weight 19 lbs 6 oz.
Peyton standing in front of our new kitchen table. He loves sitting up high with us.
Tomorrow Josh and I are taking the boys to the Tusla Zoo. We promised Peyton over Spring Break but when I got sick our trip had to be delayed. It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend so it will probably will work out better this way anyway.
Parker LOVES bathtime, especially in the sink. He's been eating puffs for awhile now so we let him start eating crackers last week which makes a huge mess. That calls for lots of baths.

Friday, April 11, 2008
Parker's first baseball game
It's been awhile since I've updated and I'm sorry to all my frequent readers (Ang). :) Not much has really been blog worthy around here. Plus the fact that most of my free time has been spent unpacking boxes or decorating our new home. Anyway, a few nights ago we took the boys to see the Razorback baseball team play. It had rained all day so we never mentioned the game to Peyton until we decided to go at the last minute in case it was cancelled. He was PUMPED when he found out we were going. The whole way to the field he was chanting in the back, "B Ball game, B Ball game." (B ball is what he says for baseball.) Here are a few or should I say a lot of pictures from the night. The highlight of the night was when Jeff Long, the new AR Athletic Director, walked in the box while Peyton was dancing for everyone slapping his behind. Yes, pretty embarrasing! The joy of having a rowdy, non-shy two year old.
Our family...

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