A couple weeks ago I turned 30...and it wasn't so bad (actually it was a lot of fun)! I just keep telling myself it's just a number.
A few days before my birthday we went to my parents house. Mom cooked a big dinner for all of our family that lives in town. My MIL, Jeana, made my favorite chocolate chip pound cake and my friend Holly made some adorable cookies.
The boys could care less to a picture. They were just read to eat the cookies and cake!
Holly now sells her cookies on her blog HERE. They were delicious and I will be ordering more soon. :)
A few days later, Josh and I went with our good friends the Slaughers to Chicago. Here we are near our hotel on Michigan Avenue. We did most of our shopping and eating near Michigan Avenue.

Matt and I share a birthday so we celebrated on our actual birthday at the Chicago Cut Steakhouse that night. So yummy! My favorite thing was the huge piece of chocolate cake they brought us at the end of the meal.

Here we are after eating at Bubba Gump's at the Navy Pier. We had so much fun away.
Thank you babe for taking me on such a fun trip!
A BIG thanks to mine and Josh's parents for watching our kids! Parker got the stomach bug while we were gone and my Mom had to pick him up from school early. I wasn't worried because I knew he was in good hands but it was sad to hear he was so sick. By the time we got back, he was totally back to feeling normal again.
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