The boys were so excited the night before Easter. They went right to sleep so the bunny wouldn't miss stopping at our house. I think the bunny may have out done himself this year.

The next morning we hunted eggs inside our house because of the rain. Before we went to church we attempted a few pictures. Jack just wanted to crawl off. :)

He's always on the move! Friday night he had come down with another double ear infection. It's the fifth one since February. I feel so bad for him. But by Sunday he seemed fine and he had been fever-free for twenty-four hours so he still was able to go to church on Sunday.

After church we went to my parents house for lunch. My Dad smoked a brisket and my Mom, Grandmother and I cooked the sides and desserts. It was so good!
My Dad and Mom hid eggs in their house for the boys to hunt when they arrived.
Josh and I.
My grandparents came to eat lunch with us too.
For dinner we went over to Josh's parent's house and there was another Easter egg hunt with their cousins Reese and Beckham. GiGi had also made sugar cookies for the kids to decorate with icing. Jack was napping while this picture was taken. He had started feeling sick again that evening.

I'm hoping it's nice and sunny again here soon. We had another day with lots of rain today and many roads are beginning to flood. The U of A even closed early. I am ready for the rain to start moving out of our area and the sun to start shinning again.