Last night we had pictures for the football program. It was so hot and luckily they didn't take long at all. After the pictures the team had practice so the other coaches wives and I took our kids, all 12 of them, ages 7 and below, to Chick-fil-a for dinner. It was pretty exciting to say the least.
Here's our picture for the year. I'm okay with it. We were all dripping with sweat and ready to leave.

Last Friday was the Blue Gold game. Josh got the boys jersey's this year to match our quarterback, Kiehl. The kids love him and he's so good to them. We really couldn't ask for better players who don't mind my kids hanging all over them.

A couple of weeks ago my parents had the football team over to their house for a pizza party. (Thanks Mom and Dad for letting the entire team and coaching families come over! You're the best!) Everyone had fun swimming, playing foosball and pool in the game room. I think we had a total of 80 people there.

How many guys can you fit in a hot tub?

Back in July we had our annual coaches retreat. This year we went to Tulsa. It was so much fun. The guys did lots of working and the girls had fun hanging out and shopping. We couldn't ask for a better coaching staff. These girls are some of my best friends and I couldn't make it through each season with out them! I'm so blessed to have them while our husbands are all working very late hours this time of year. This year the Gilder's joined the staff. They are such a great family and lots of fun.
Shiloh's first game is on August 30 in the Hooten's Classic against Watson Chapel. Our first three games are going be on TV, two of which will be on national television. It should be an exciting year!
Well, this is our last weekend to be football free for awhile so Josh and I are going on a date tonight with some of our best friends and I can't wait! Hope everyone has a good weekend.