The time had come for Parker to learn to sleep without his Paci. My goal all along was for it to be gone by the time he turned 2 and he turns 2 in just over a week. I tried this a couple of months ago but he started sucking his fingers and I didn't want to break a habit just to pick up another one. So I gave his paci back and decided to try again later. Saturday night I poked a few holes in it. Then on Sunday night I cut the end off and showed it to him and told him his was broken. After a few whines, he was fine with it. He wouldn't even let me put it in his bed with him to just "hold." He wanted it thrown away, so we did just that. I couldn't believe he went right to sleep without it. Here is the last picture taken a few days ago with his paci.

Now we will be getting to see this handsome dimple smile a lot more.
Tonight Josh surprised me and said Emily was coming over to watch the boys while he was going to take me out for dinner. I didn't know where he was going to take me but I did have a few ideas. =) We ended up at Ruth's Chris. It was so yummy! He also surprised me with a beautiful new necklace that I love. Thank you, Josh, for a fun night out! You're the best!
By the way, I can't believe this cute kid below starts preschool in just 3 weeks at Shiloh! He is turning into such a big boy way too quickly!