I can't believe it but tomorrow my baby will be a one year old. Where has the last year gone? It seems like just yesterday I was in the car on my way to the hospital having contractions 3 1/2 weeks early of my due date. I thought my doctor would send me home with it being a false alarm. But no, we had a surprise that day and Parker Thomas Floyd was ready to be born, August 8, 2007 at 3:48pm! I remember it all so well.
Tomorrow night we are having our family over to celebrate. So that's why I am posting this a day early. I'll be busy getting our house and food ready (while watching my two entergetic boys) for the P-A-R-T-Y. I'll post pictures soon.
Parker, Happy Birthday! I can not imagine my life without you in it. Thanks for always being the happiest, laid back, easy going, most sweet spirited baby ever. You can always light up a room with your huge smile, deep dimples and big blue eyes. We thank God for you everyday. It is a true joy to be called your Momma. Your Daddy and I love you sooo much!
Here are just a few of my favorite pictures of Parker Thomas from the last year.
Just a few seconds old...
Two weeks old...
3 1/2 months...
6 months...
10 months..
Last week...