Over Memorial Day weekend, Josh and I loaded up the boys and headed to see his Grandmothers. It was a long trip but we made lots of sweet memories with two very special ladies. The first stop was in Yoakum, Texas (between Austin and Houston). It's about ten hours from our house. Josh's Grandmother, on his Dad's side, lives there along with his Aunt and a few cousins. We had lots of fun visiting with them.
Here's a picture I snapped of Josh, the boys and Grandma Floyd. She has leukemia and has been sick for awhile. We were very grateful we got to spend time with her. Please keep her in your prayers.
This was Grandma Floyd's first time to meet Jack. He loved playing with toys and getting lots of attention but I think most of all he enjoyed his first ever donut the most.

Next, we loaded the car again and headed to Bridgeport, Texas which is close to Dallas. Josh's Grandmother, his mom's mother, lives there. We were able to take her out to dinner and let her see the boys. I have a sweet video of Jack walking into the arms of Grandma Thomas but I can't get it to upload.

It was a quick trip but we were so glad the boys were able to spend time with their Great Grandmothers. We hope to see them again soon!
It was a quick trip but we were so glad the boys were able to spend time with their Great Grandmothers. We hope to see them again soon!