Over the past few days we have been enjoying all the snow. On Saturday, we took the boys sledding. My Dad brought over the sled that my brother and I used when we were kids. Rick and Jessica joined us that day too.
My 3 boys!
They love their Uncle Rick and their soon to be 'Aunt' Jessica.

Parker's never scared to do anything by himself, including sledding down a hill with a hat covering his eyes.
Thanks again Grandaddy for bringing the sled! Especially since my laundry basket idea really wasn't working.
After being outside all morning, we all ate lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. We missed Nana, she was at work while we were all out playing. Later that day, Peyton and I made Snow Ice Cream. I remember making this when I was a child and it being so fun and easy to do. Here's Peyton in the kitchen helping. He thought this was the neatest idea ever. However, once he tasted it he said he would rather eat the normal kind of ice cream.

We enjoyed our lazy days around here but I think we are all ready for a normal schedule again. Josh and Peyton will both go back to school tomorrow. And Parker and I will get back to do our normal things too.