I am amazed how much he acts like a big boy! Last week we had his first conference with his K4 teacher. As she was going through the list of things that he has already learned in only 9 weeks of school, I kept thinking, "how did my baby boy grow up so fast?" He is writing his name, recognizing his letters and sounds, finally holding the pencil correctly and much more. I'm amazed how well he can stay in the lines when coloring. He for sure didn't get that from Josh or I! He loves school and all his new friends. Peyton loves his role as the "big brother." And he often reminds Parker that he is older and was the first one in my tummy, not Parker. I love to watch him care for Parker and teach him new things. During the Friday night football games he loves to try and figure out everything that is going on during the game. He always wants to know, "why this or that?" He also loves to watch the tubas in the band. Yes, my baby is growing up but I'm loving this stage of life he is in. It's so fun and I love to listen to him talk and act silly. Peyton definitely is a fire ball and keeps our family laughing all the time.

Oh my, sweet Parker boy. He is for sure ALL boy. He loves big trucks and anything that goes fast. He is rough and always making a mess. He keeps us on our toes at all time! He is the quiet and sneaky one of the family. Just as I think I have the house picked up, I turn around and may find a entire box of Cascade or lotion spread all over the floor. He is also our sensitive one. As soon as he hurts someone or someone is upset he is the first to run and give you a big hug along with a wet slobbery kiss. He likes to please. He is my number one helper. I can always count on him to throw things away or put clothes in the washer with me. He is talking more clearly these days. He is happiest when he is playing with his brother. You can tell in his eyes how much he looks up to Peyton.
Yes, we are expecting Baby #3. After a few tears from being shocked, I am beyond excited about having this blessing join our family June 2010! Last week we had our first doctor appointment. We got to listen to the heartbeat and see it fluttering on the ultrasound screen. I am feeling pretty icky and exhausted these days. However, I know this is a good sign. Both boys are excited. (Peyton more than Parker.) It so sweet to hear the boys pray for the baby during bedtime prayers. I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for this baby and what he/she will look like.
I'll update the blog with pictures early next week with pictures of the boys in their Halloween costumes. We will be skipping the Hog game and doing some trick or treating.