Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Boys Will Be Boys
Last night we took the boys to Shiloh's baseball game. A parent of one of the players sent these pictures to us today. Both of these pictures sum up there personalities pretty well.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Easter and Sick Parker
Easter morning Parker woke up sick. Luckily, we didn't have to miss church on Easter because my Dad had gone to an earlier church service and was able to watch Parker for us. My Mom was singing in the choir for both services. I'm so glad Dad came to the rescue! Church was awesome and I'm so thankful we didn't have to miss it. My brother-in-law, Nick, preached the last service and did so good.
This is what Parker did while we were at church. My poor baby.

Here's Peyton and cousin Reese after the service. They were getting ready to head to Poppy and Gigi's house for a big Easter lunch.

For Easter lunch Josh's parents had my parents, my grandparents, Nick, Meredith, Reese and the four of us over for lunch. It was a lot of fun. Here are my boys. Parker wore his outfit for just a few minutes so we could get a few pictures. Doesn't he look pitiful? =(

For Easter lunch Josh's parents had my parents, my grandparents, Nick, Meredith, Reese and the four of us over for lunch. It was a lot of fun. Here are my boys. Parker wore his outfit for just a few minutes so we could get a few pictures. Doesn't he look pitiful? =(
The boys with cousin Reese.

Easter lunch at their new kid table.
Gigi put this little bunny in the kid's baskets and Parker loved it. This was the only time he smiled all day.

I wish Parker had felt better and could have enjoyed the day hunting eggs and other Easter activities like his brother did. Parker is now feeling much better and back to his normal active self!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter
Tonight the boys dyed Easter eggs and helped me make a cake. My friend, Angela, has asked us to link our Easter baking projects to her blog for a contest. Ang, below is what Peyton and I came up with. What do you think?

I hope everyone enjoys tomorrow and remembers the real reason why we celebrate Easter. Jesus is risen!
Friday, April 3, 2009
San Diego Mission Trip
Last week Josh and I help lead a group of Shiloh high school seniors on a mission trip to San Diego. We went to help a new church plant called Cross Church. Our friends, the Graves, started this church from scratch about a year and a half ago. We were gone for eight days and so busy the whole time. We were blessed serving with a GREAT group of students and sponsors! We had a lot of fun, a lot of laughs and good times together. The first couple of days it rained which made it chilly but the rest of time it was perfect weather-sunny and in the 70's. The Lord did great things while we were in SD. Ten teenagers gave their life to Christ. We helped with Sunday morning set up, youth events, shared our testimonies at FCA clubs in the high schools, and passed out 5,000 door hangers throughout neighborhoods. It was great to see God working through all of us everyday while we were there. The last day we had a free day and went to Disneyland. Peyton and Parker would have LOVED it. Speaking of the boys, they had so much fun getting spoiled by all four of the Grandparents. I don't even think they missed us one minute while we were gone. Thank you Nana, Grandaddy, GiGi and Poppy SOOO MUCH for watching our kids last week. Peyton's already asked, "When are you and Daddy going back to San Diego so I can stay with my Nana and GiGi again for a long time." Ha!
Here are some pictures from our trip...
Our group with Brad & Becky Graves with their twin boys. Notice the seals laying on the beach behind us. There were so many of them!

Here are more seals laying on the beach. Isn't that crazy!?
Another look at a San Diego beach...beautiful.

Our mission team with Trevor Davis (in the middle with the brown hat). He sang during a youth event.
I learned you can't go to CA without eating at In-n-Out Burger. We went twice while we were there. So good!

Sneaking in a little kiss before dinner at the Fish Market with my love. =)

This is kinda blurry but it still turned out okay.
Sneaking in a little kiss before dinner at the Fish Market with my love. =)

This is kinda blurry but it still turned out okay.
I hope we get to return to San Diego again soon. I loved everything about it!
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