Last night I thought I was being a good Momma by keeping by the boys out of the cold and not going to Shiloh's Jr. High game. However, we probably would have been better off going to the game.
I had just bathed both boys, put their Pj's on, read a couple of books to them and we were finally on our way to bed. Quickly I went to get something from the kitchen before tucking them in. Before I knew it, they started playing chase in the living room. I tried telling them to settle down, we are going to bed. However, before I could get the complete sentense out, I heard a loud bang. Peyton had ran into Parker which pushed him into the corner of the wall or our the hutch. We still aren't for sure which one. Blood was everywhere and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I first thought it was his nose, then his mouth but I soon reliezed it was his head. I didn't know what to do. This was the first big bloody accident we've had at our house and I was alone with both boys. Parker was crying louder than I've probably ever heard the poor boy cry before. Peyton also started screaming, "Carker's muddy! Carker's muddy!" (muddy aka: bloddy). I grabbed the phone and called my friend, Meghan, that lives down the street. I rushed the boys over to her house and she had her Dad meet us there who is a nurse. He also lives down the street. He got Parker cleaned up for me and thought he would need stitches for sure. So I met Josh, my parents and Josh's parents at the ER at 8:30pm last night. My parents took Peyton to sleep with them and Jeana waited with me. A BIG thank you to Jeana, our GiGi! Josh has a BIG game tonight (conference championship) so I told him to go home so he could get some rest. And after six hours of waiting at the ER and three stitches later, we were finally home at 3am. Poor baby will have to get the stitches removed in five days.
I have to brag on my little baby. He was so good last night through it all and couldn't have been better. When we finally got called to the back to get him a room, the nurse said there were 19 patients ahead of Parker and only 2 doctors there. I couldn't believe it! How could they do this to a sweet one year old little boy! Just put some stitches in and let him go home to get some sleep! Every nurse and doctor that came in the room to check on him couldn't believe how good and calm he was being. He had the most patience out of all of us there, except when they held him down to put the stitches in. I couldn't watch that part and stood at the bottom of the bed holding onto his feet and praying to Jesus to take his pain and fear away.
Here are some pictures of our big brave boy! I hope we don't have to go back to the ER for a very long time!