The girls eating at P.F. Changs in Little Rock for Courtney's birthday lunch, the day before the big game. Yum-o! We spent the rest of the afternoon Christmas shopping. I love these girls! (Left to right: Laci holding Jackson, McKale, Me, Courtney, Michele and Ashton. --my boys were with GiGi & Poppy most of this day, it was a nice break for me.)
Peyton and I on the field before the game waiting for the team to run out.

Peyton watching the team warm up in his Chicago Bears helmet. Wrong team, but atleast it's navy.

Meredith and I holding our tired babies, Peyton & Reese during the game. They both slept through the most exciting part of the game, the second quarter.

Thanking God for the victory.

Josh coaching.
Parker looking for his Daddy.
Meredith and I holding our tired babies, Peyton & Reese during the game. They both slept through the most exciting part of the game, the second quarter.
Josh talking to the team afterwards.

Thanking God for the victory.

Go Saints!
Our family with trophy.

Our family with trophy.

The following Monday Shiloh had a pep rally celebrating the big win. Here are most of the coaches.
Angela and I wanted our picture taken but Matt snuck his face in too. Ha.
Right after the pep rally was over Josh, Courntey, D and I hopped back in the car and headed back to Little Rock to the Hooten's Award Ceremony. One of the Shiloh players and Josh were up for awards. On the way down it started icing and it took us five hours to get to Little Rock. It was crazy. We made it only for the last thirty minutes of the ceremony. Since the roads were so bad we had to spend the night. This is how we spent the next couple of the car trying to get back home. However, we did manage to do some Christmas shopping while we were in town.
The co-pilot...Josh.
The captin..."D".
Tons and tons of traffic was moving slowly, inch by inch. One time when we tried to get out of town it took us two hours to move only six miles! People were completely stopped and getting out of their cars on the interstate because we weren't moving.
Lots and lots of accidents on the interstate.
We ended up staying two night in Little Rock and finally coming home on Wednesday because of such bad accidents and traffic from the ice storm. A big thanks to Nana and Grandaddy who kept the boys for us three days!
I hope everyone has a wonderful time celebrating Jesus' birthday! Merry Christmas!