This is Peyton's first year to play soccer and he has loved it. A few days ago they had there first game and he scored five goals. He was excited. After the game he told me that he heard me cheering for him and it made him run faster. Ha!
Peyton was happy to have a uniform and be on a real team. Go Dynamo's!
Parker was not happy when he couldn't be on the field with Bubba. Luckily, Uncle Nick showed up with doughnuts which made him happy. Thanks Uncle Nick!

Goal! I love his face in this picture that my Dad took with his iphone.
Peyton had quite the crew cheering him and his team on to a victory!

Last night, Shiloh beat the #1 team in 5A, Watson Chapel! I had to miss the game so I could take care of this sweet baby who has been sick with his first fever.

He's feeling much better now. This coming Monday is Shiloh's big football game that we play in Dallas Cowboy Stadium. We play Euless Trinity, the #1 team in the country. It will be a big game!