Since he is in school today on his birthday we celebrated it last Saturday. And it seems like we celebrated ALL day long for him. That morning had his party at Fun City with his friends. It was so funny watching all of them interact and have a great time together. Here's Peyton about to eat a piece of his Shark cake. He was thrilled, can't you tell?

These were my instructions for his cake this year: four sharks but one of them has to be a big hammer head shark, a few little fish and one tiny boat. Well, I a local bakery was able to make it just right for him. When we went to pick it up, the lady showed the cake to Peyton and he started jumping up and down saying, "This is the perfect cake!" Can you tell I have a boy that is really into details?

Mr. Parkerman digging into his piece.
It's present time.

After Peyton's party we came home and all took little power naps. Then we went to tailgate before the Hog game with friends. Parker stayed with my Mom because the game wasn't going to get over until it late. Thanks, Nana!
We gave this Arkansas helmet to Peyton for his birthday and of course he had to bring it to the game with him.
Josh and I before the game started.
My friend, Ashley, stopped by to see us.
Tonight we are letting Peyton chose where to eat dinner. He wants Chick-fil-a but his Mommy and Daddy are trying to talk him into Abuelos. I'm pretty sure the birthday boy will win and have his way tonight. Happy Birthday, Peyton! We couldn't be more proud of you than we are. I can't wait to see what God has planned for you! We love you SO much!