Monday, June 15, 2009

Swim Ranch

Last week Peyton and Parker took swim lessons with Ms. Virgina at the Swim Ranch. Peyton loved every minute and did so good! It took Parker a couple of days to decide if he was going to like the water or not. By Wednesday, he was loving it just like his Bubba. Peyton's class was at 9am and Parker's was at 10am. So my Mom or Jeana would come and sit with whoever was out of the pool. A BIG thanks to Nana and Gigi! Here are the pictures of the boys swimming.

The boys loved Ms. Virgina! She also taught me to swim when I was a child at the Swim Ranch. I'm glad my boys didn't take after me because Mom says I just screamed the whole time during my lessons.
Peyton and Mommy ready for class to begin.
Relaxing on his back.
Dog paddling across the pool (30 feet!) with Ms. Leni.
Bubba was waiting on the other side to give Peyton a big high five!
Parker's turn for his class.
Swimming to Ms. Virgina.
Learning to float on his back.

His favorite part was toy time at the end of each lesson.

The boys were so excited to get their certificate (Peyton says "award") at the end of the week. Parker was tucking it under his arm because he thought someone was going to take it. He is all about the word "MINE!" Can't wait for next year!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Loving His Bike

Last week we let Peyton pick out his first real bike at Walmart and of course he chose the Spiderman one.  It took a a few days to figure it all out.  But yesterday, he took things to a new level and he is racing all over our neighborhood now.  We're so proud of you, Peyton!

Waiting for Bubba to catch up on his tricycle.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ms. Avery Elisabeth

Our good friends, Ashley and Chad, welcomed their little baby girl into the world this morning.  Ash and I met in 6th grade and she was one of my best friends growing up.  Check out Ashley's blog, here, for more pictures of precious Avery.  And while you're there, scroll down to see pictures of her nursery.  This little Diva has such a fun room!  

Congrats Chad and Ashley!  Can't wait to watch our kiddos grow up together.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fun in May

I can't believe it is already June!  I guess it's true, time flies when you're having fun.  Peyton will turn four in three months and Parker is a few days shy of being 22 months old.  I'm not ready to be a Mom to a 4 and 2 year old yet.  They are growing up too fast!  Here are some random pictures from the month of May.

Peyton made this flower pot at KDO for my Mother's Day present.  He was so excited when the flower began to bloom.
 Boys at Shiloh's spring football practice watching Daddy coach.  Their favorite part was the popsicles after the practices.
This year Daddy let Peyton come to Shiloh's youth football camp a couple years early.  He loved being around the older kids and felt so big.

Parker going on an early morning walk with Mommy.

Grandaddy and Peyton fishing at their pond.
Parker trying out his new mower.

Animals came to visit the last day of KDO.  I can't believe this was his last year at KDO and he will be starting K4 at Shiloh this fall.
Here's Parker with the shirt he made his last day of KDO.

Parker refueling with water from Poppy, while swimming at the pool.

I'll be dragging this pool out when I'm too lazy to take them to the neighborhood pool.  

We are excited June is here and it won't be long till we'll be on the beach very soon!
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